Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Randomness of Days

Psalm 90:12  
So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

The days just seem to fly by, then a week, then a month, then a whole year.
How did we get to 2016 already?

I really, really try, but yet often fail, to make my days count for something.
Who can I help?  Who can I bless?
Am I sharing the gospel with the children still at home?
Am I sharing Christ and His Word when I "sit in my house, walk by the way,
when I lie down, and when I rise up"  as Deuteronomy 11:19 instructs.

Here are some random photos of our last week, as we are all walking by the way.

Joe, David, and the boys went to an elderly neighbor's house to bring back a trailer
full of wood that will be chopped into firewood.  David does a very good job at this
and is almost done with another cord.

Finally!  The cold, wet, snowy weather has passed and we are back to
normal Arizona weather - highs in the 60's today!
Isaac and Joshua have really enjoyed getting back outside and enjoying their bikes!

School is back in session, as well as AWANA, which is just fine with me!
We all do better on routine!

I made The Pioneer Woman's ground beef enchiladas tonight - one of our favorites.
If you like Mexican food, try her recipe!
I do *tweak* it a bit for simplification!

Rachel's back in school, too, in her LAST SEMESTER of nursing school.
She declined my picture taking, saying she wasn't "picture-ready".

But Little Miss is always ready with a smile these days!
Yes, it's a bit blurry, but this girl is always on the move!

See that little rump of hers going up? She is getting ready to crawl, folks!

So that is just a glimpse of what's been going on at our house.  Nothing monumental, just the ordinariness of days.  But yet in God's plan, each day is special and unique, and gives us an opportunity to praise Him.........even for the ordinary days.

1 comment:

  1. I'd enjoy those 60 degree temps and riding my bike there. It looks so pleasant. And hoorah for Courtney finishing school and David being a help around the house.
