Saturday, April 4, 2020

"Safe-at-Home" Covid19 - Part 1: Cooking and Baking!

My goodness, how things can change in just a month.
Last time I posted, Beth and I had just had our fabulous Girls Weekend, and our family
was beginning to think about heading back up to Nebraska.

With all of the terrifying news out there, we decided to stay put in Arizona for the
foreseeable future.   Enjoying the warm temperatures and sunny skies, and not traveling
seems to be the safest measure to take at this point.  It could all change, however.

We are all really wanting to head back north to the land of green and where the majority
of our comfort items are.  But we are grateful and content to be enjoying life
here on the farm.

So, for this blog post I am going to focus on the thousands of meals I seem to be cooking!
I would LOVE to go out to a restaurant.....but not now.

So this was Joe and me the other day at our local Safeway during "Senior Shopping Hours"!!
I am so glad we are considered seniors!!

We load up for several weeks at a time so we don't have to repeat this rather 
stressful shopping experience.
Isaac and Joshua are eating a TON these days - major growth spurts!

Once we get home we have the new-and-not-so-delightful job of now sanitizing everything
before we put it away in the cabinets.

Life used to be so easy!!

Joshua helped me to soap up all of our produce.

I decided to make my famous cheese braid for a special treat for the family.
My rolling pin is in Nebraska, so I had to improvise with an empty bottle that I filled
with water - it worked great!

Fresh baked bread smells so amazing, and this recipe is fabulous!
This recipe makes two loaves, and the first one was devoured before it even cooled down!

Joshua requested banana bread, and fortunately I had a bread pan here.

Joe requested chocolate chip pecan muffins!
Sugar free, of course!

Isaac has turned into the Bacon Man at our house!  

I have a limited number of pans and dishes here in Arizona, so our meals have not been
overly creative.  I only have one cookbook here, but we are doing well enough.

I just feel as if I have cooked about 5,000 meals so far this month!

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