Monday, October 14, 2019

Swimming Lessons!

Years ago, our older children all took swimming lessons from Mrs. Todd, who had a huge
pool house in the back of her property.  Lessons went year round, and our children
made great progress and all became accomplished swimmers.  Mrs. Todd has long since
retired and moved out of state.

Isaac and Joshua never really had an opportunity for lessons in Arizona.
It seemed as if we were always out of town during the sign up period for the local outdoor
pool.  Rachel tried teaching them at her apartment pool, and when we stayed at RV parks that had
pools, we worked on basic skills there, too.

But they never really learned much and had a big fear.
So imagine my great surprise, and total delight, when I found out that the lady who bought
Mrs. Todd's home and pool house years ago, also gives year round lessons!  
I immediately signed them both up
for beginner lessons, which they passed with flying colors.  Hurray!
So the tradition continues!

Talk about deja's probably been 18 years since we've been here
for swimming lessons!  
This is also about two blocks from where Joe grew up.

Isaac is ready to jump off the diving board.

Joshua - mid jump!

I think they boys will progress nicely.  They seem to have overcome their fear and
really enjoyed their lessons!

On to Level 3!!

And just for the fun of it..............we had cold, rainy weather for their last
lesson, so this is how they looked!

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