Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Monsoon rains come, then all the "stuff" starts to grow.

That means mowing, something we don't have to deal with much of the year.
But for the several months that we have consistent rain, the grass and weeds
grow at an alarming rate!

We also have erosion, caused by quick heavy downpours.
Today's adventure was to fill in a big hole by the edge of the north driveway that was
eroded out from our last big rain.

Discussing the plan with the tractor.....

Isaac has learned to use good hand signals, so Joe knows how far he needs
to go to be able to dump the dirt.

Joshua keeps Willie well out of the way1

Willie decides it's not that interesting and he'd rather rest in the shade!

Excitement's over!  Back to mowing!
(And no, Joshua is not mowing that entire field by hand.....)

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