Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Monsoons 2017!

This year there were a significant number of fires around Arizona.
We had a spectacular view of a very large fire in the Pinaleno Mountains to the north of us.

During this time of year we are all anxiously awaiting the rains and then
watching everything green up overnight.....literally!

Even Willie, the dog, enjoys laying in the cool grass.

The corn in the field to the north of us is HUGE!
With all the rain we have had lately, it's at least two feet taller
than it was in this picture.

BUT......all of this rain comes at a cost.
All of the sudden, we are all mowing and trimming like crazy.

And, with the sudden massive downpours, our normally hardpacked dirt
road becomes a swamp, and getting through becomes a real trick.

In fact, several weeks ago, I was riding home from church with Rachel and Elenna,
and once we hit the dirt road it was like being in Nebraska on ice.
Wow, we just slid all over with no control and ended up in the ditch.
Fortunately, Joe and the boys were not too far behind and helped us.
It was bad enough that Joe had to get the tractor and pull Rachel's truck out.

You can see all the standing water in the ditches.

They tried chains, but the tires were sunk in too deep.

Dad to the rescue!

So, even though monsoons have only been around for about six weeks,
I am ready for the rain to stop!

Bring back the sunshine and dry air!  No more humidity!

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