Monday, April 8, 2013

One Little Two Little Three Little Bubbles!

Every Wednesday, we go to Preschool Storytime at our local library.  The  boys love it and we check out books at the same time.   When we first go in, Miss Michelle, the children's librarian has some sort of activity that they can work on until everyone arrives.

Then we all sing "Shake Shake Shake My Sillies Out" hopes that it will help the wilder children settle down for a story.  This was a small group of children this past week - there have been up to 50 kids on other days.

There is quite a bit of change in activity, which keeps the attention span on the books for the day.  Book, song, book, song, etc.  Each week there is a theme.  Some of the books are really sweet, but some are so ridiculous that I have seriously thought of writing children's books.  I wonder how some of them ever got published.......  Anyway, having the bubble machine and singing the bubble song is a highlight for these two boys!

Singing the bean-bag song is another good one.   (I know this is not a thrilling post, but hey, I'm doing this for the grandparents, Courtney, and family posterity!)

After story time (when Beth was here), imagination was at its finest with these two little boys!  They play so well together and use their imagination tremendously!

Beth got to enjoy the wonder of Thomas and Friends after bathtime.  Thomas, Percy, Emily, etc. are constant topics of conversations around our house!

Stay tuned for a birthday post...............some special little boy is turning SIX on Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Aw. Fun times. I miss those preschool years. Prayed for you today. Have you heard from J.? It's the 8th.
