Saturday, July 20, 2024

Wedding Photographer Photos!

I've shared photos of the BIG WEDDING here and there, but the pictures from

the photographer are just stunning,

Just a sampling........

The girls getting ready in the quaint little bride's house - Sophie, Courtney, Rachel, and Amanda

Courtney and Dennis decided ahead of time to get many of the pictures

taken before the ceremony so the guests wouldn't be waiting so long for them to

arrive at the reception.

Dennis, looking very dashing!

Just before "the first look"!

A great family photo!

Dennis's family

The Krause siblings!  💖

We were all so glad that Elenna was able to come to the wedding!

A beautiful picture of the bride and groom 💕

Dennis's great-aunt Brenda took quite a shine to Joe!

Waiting patiently.......

The groomsmen are all ready!

Jonathan and David escorted me down the aisle - so special! 💕


Giving our girl away - very emotional for Joe.

Brothers!  David and Joshua having a good conversation.

First up is the Husband-Wife dance. 💖💖

Father-Daughter dance to "Butterfly Kisses".
Made many of us tear up.

Dennis and his mom share a Mother-Son dance.


 Towards the end of the evening, Courtney went up to the microphone - I thought to thank everyone

for coming!  But instead, she gave the most loving tribute to me, as her mom, and

dedicated her bouquet to me.  So special, and yes, it made me cry. 💕

A grand exit after a spectacular day!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Detasseling is in Full Swing!

After an easy start at the end of last week, the teens in all the fields

are well into full time detasseling.

Fortunately, the weather has been fabulous!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Grass Seed Update!

 With lots of rain, abundant sunshine, and continuous watering (when it

wasn't raining), our grass is growing like crazy!

We will need to mow it soon!

This side of the driveway isn't quite as green, but it's getting there!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Fabulous Fourth!

Our good friends from Arizona, Nancy and Ashley Doughty, were on a road

trip, and coming through Nebraska was on their schedule.  We have YEARS of memories

of the Fourth of July in Arizona, so this was quite fitting that they came

to visit us for this fun holiday!

Rachel and kids came over the day after they arrived and we celebrated early

with a cookout.  It was so fun to catch up and relive hilarious memories.

Much in our families has changed over the years, but the close connection is still there!


The grandkids, and Isaac, entertained us with Twister!

We spent the actual Fourth in Seward and didn't get a picture worth posting.

It was a crazy, very crowded day.  Our family was home by 1:30, and Nancy and Ashley

arrived back by 6:00!  It was a full day for them!

Great time with Great friends!

Sowing Seed

After the driveway was poured and set, our contractor came back with massive

amounts of dirt for both sides of the driveway.   He and his crew spent quite a

bit of time spreading and grading the dirt.

Then it was up to us to spread the grass seed.


We put down a large amount of seed and fertilizer, and then covered it all with

straw mats.  Isaac and Joshua basically did the entire thing which was

a huge blessing!  They did a great job!

We watered faithfully, plus we had large amounts of rainfall and cooler 

temperatures, so our grass seed is coming up like crazy!!

Look at what we have ten days later!

This side of the driveway has been slower to sprout, but it's catching up!

Time to go water again!