Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Concrete Pour!

The concrete truck arrived right on time early this morning.  
Took two and a half trucks.

These six guys worked FAST!

Later in the afternoon, it was hard enough for them to do the saw-cut.

And the dirt work got a good start!

Hopefully the rain will hold off so they can finish it tomorrow, but if not - the next day!

The driveway looks so good!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 Our driveway pad has lots of cracks.  Whatever previous owner poured it did not do

a very good job.  It's been on "the list" for quite some time, and it is finally 

happening!  Here is the original concrete - 

Tom, the Concrete Doctor, and his crew spent the entire day here getting

it all broken up, leveled, and ready for the concrete pour tomorrow.  We are

also enlarging the pad area and the boys will have a new in-ground

basketball hoop!

After many loads of dirt and gravel, it is now all ready for the concrete pour tomorrow!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Stain the Deck Job!

 About three years ago, we had our house painting crew also stain our back deck.

But over the years, it has seen plenty of sun and snow, so it was time to do

it again.  Isaac and Joshua said they were old enough to tackle the job - and they

did a FANTASTIC job on it!  It looks so much better!

Taping all of the metal posts took quite a bit of time.

Isaac gives the deck one final sweep before power washing.

Such a rich, deep color once they got to staining.

These guys worked hard!


 Taking the tape off proved to be a much more time consuming job,

All done!  Thanks boys!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Photo Booth Fun!

Courtney and Dennis had a photo booth at their reception and the

photos turned out great......and funny!


For some reason, neither David nor Joshua ever made it over to the

photo booth!  They missed out!