Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Detasseling 2023!

Detasseling began on Saturday, July 8.
Here are the boys loading up on their bus (Parkview) on the very first day.
Isaac is in the orange shirt and Joshua is wearing the green.

......and at the end of the day having been in a very muddy field!

Each day looks pretty much the same, so there haven't been a huge
variety of photos!


The boys have been very diligent about rinsing out their cooler and water jug
when they get home.  Sometimes their shoes are so bad they have to be hosed out and
then dried in front of a fan in readiness for the next day!  They pack their own lunches, make
their own breakfast, and get themselves up on time at 4:50 am each morning.
They have shown great responsibility!!

Their bus was named "The Jolly Rancher"!

Update!  Today was their final day.  Great picture of the entire bus crew!

 What a great summer!!

Jonathan and David's Visit!

 Jonathan and David flew up to Lincoln for a visit in mid-June.  David had some

leave available before his deployment in July.  He is going to Poland for about

nine months!

I really didn't take many pictures - we were too busy!

A push-up challenge with David - I think Joshua won!

So good to see this young man again!

It happened that Jonathan and David were here on Father's Day, so we got the
Krause Men photo in front of the display at church!

Quite the basketball competition these young men had on several evenings!

So nice to have these young men visit!


We have the grandkids over on occasion to help Rachel out when she's

doing errands or has appointments in town.  She and the kids spent Memorial weekend with

us since David was working.  Isaac slept outside in a tent, and Elenna had fun helping him

put it all together.

They ended up setting up a second tent for Elenna to read in for a little bit
before coming inside at bedtime.  She thought that was so fun!

Basketball Camp!

The first few days of June are highly anticipated because of Concordia College's Annual

Basketball Camp for kids.    This was the third year that

Isaac and Joshua attended, and, as usual, they had a blast!  It's three full

days of drills, games, food, and lots of fun!

Random shots of the high school group at the end of the day before dismissal.

Great job, boys!

Salt Dogs Game 2023

 We enjoyed a Salt Dogs game in the middle of May.  It was a beautiful evening

that actually turned rather chilly once the sun went down.

Isaac caught one of the t-shirts that got tossed into the crowd!

The Saltdogs actually won the game against Gary, Indiana!

There were fireworks afterwards, which were really hard to catch on my phone!

It was a fun family night!

Birthdays Times Two!

Isaac turned 16 in April and Joshua turned 15 in May.


We celebrated them both on their special day even though I was in the midst

of chemotherapy.

16 years old!

And Joshua is 15 - wow!

Love you boys so much!

Happy Birthday to you both!