Thursday, October 3, 2024

Changing Colors!

We are beginning to see some color changes!  Our mornings are cooler
even though we are still having warm days.



Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Tree Trimming With the Grands

The grandkids have been staying with us occasionally over the last several

weeks.  We always look for fun things to do outside and they love helping

us with projects around the acreage.

We had some low-lying branches that needed to be trimmed up and

they were all willing to help!

Kinsley and Nathan were quite competitive on who carried

the biggest branches. Ha Ha! 

Joshua and Elenna worked on cutting down the flowers on the east side
of the house.

Loading up the tractor to take it to the burn pile!

Cutting off the dead blooms from the dianthus.

Getting some good reading in after a morning of hard work!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Football Season!

Football season is in full swing at our house!  We all root for the Huskers, and then

Joshua adds in his other favorite team, Alabama.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Labor Day 2024!

 Rachel, Christopher, and the grandkids came over mid-day and they all had

lunch with us before Rachel took him to the airport to fly home!

It was a gorgeous day, and Joe, the boys, and the grandkids were a great

 help in trimming and hauling away branches.

Nathan and Kinsley loved watering the flowers.

Isaac was working the chainsaw on the bigger branches.

And then for some unknown reason, they all decided to use sidewalk
chalk and cover their hands in blue.

Joshua was the only sensible one that didn't participate!

Soon after, Rachel returned from the Omaha Airport and we had a
wonderful cookout out the grill.

A great day to start out the Autumn season!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Grill Master!

 The Labor Day Weekend is off to a great start!

Joshua took control of the grill last night and served up salmon patties and hot dogs.

They were delicious!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Turning Nine!

Our precious granddaughter, Elenna, turned nine recently.

We went out to her house to help her celebrate!


Isaac and Joshua gave her a Lego set which was a big hit!

Only a nine year old can read a book this way!


Saturday, August 10, 2024


 The detasseling season is over!

No more getting up at 5:00 and working long days in massive corn fields.

Here's a picture that was posted online - Joshua on the left.

The boys had a great time and Joshua had the honor of being named one of the


That gives him additional pay for this season and to be on The Force next season!

  Quite a coveted honor!   Way to go, Joshua!!!!!